Aries Sabian Symbol Interpretations
Click on the links below to access the Sabian symbol interpretations for Aries degrees 1-30, organized by decan. To learn more about The Decans sign up for the Sabian Geometry Zodiacal Newsletter©.
The Decans of Aries: Decan I The Axe; Decan II The Crown; Decan III The Burning Rose. These three tell the beginning, middle and end story of the Taurus. Here is a short synopsis of the three decans of Taurus.
Aries 1 - 10
Decan I ~
The Axe:
“Victory in War”
Degrees 1-10
Ruler ~ Mars
Tarot ~ 2 of Wands
Here is the tool of severing, of bravely asserting our individuality in order that we may build a distinct and unique life. Power, but also accountability for wielding it.
Aries 11 - 20
Decan II ~
The Crown:
“Of Virtues and Vice”
Degrees 11-20
Ruler ~ Sun
Tarot ~ 3 of Wands
The mixture and measure of one’s character is here emphasized, and in it royal figures abound. Profound truths and deep sovereignty is being dramatized in these ten degrees, establishing one’s personal reality.
Aries 21 - 30
The Burning Rose:
“By Any Other Name”
Degrees 21-30
Ruler ~ Venus
Tarot ~ 4 of Wands
Here lies the power to motivate, to bond, to bring unity through the heat of setting fire to the hearts of many. The artist! The dancer! The performer! To take an audience from one reality into another—one of one’s choosing. Peak performances of bonding together take place in these degrees. Hearts, once cold, become warmed by the last part of Aries’ story.