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Contact Saijin

Saijin, Sabian Symbologist and Author of 'On the Shoulders of Giants: Advance Techniques in Sabian Symbology"

You are by design. - Saijin

Working with the Sabian symbols has opened my eyes to an enchanting world of deeper meaning and daily self-realization. This journey is awe-inspiring, and I would love to share it with you. The more the merrier!


My book, On the Shoulders of Giants, is a daily guide--synthesizing the 360 Sabian symbols with the 365-day calendar--for those who desire to live life to its fullest. For more information, please visit Saijin's Book


If you have any questions, comments, or requests, please drop me a line at


Let's stay connected! 


Drop me a line at

The Sabian symbols in their septenary model can be enjoyed at Saijin's Sabian Symbol Septenary

Listen to my Sabian symbols podcast on Spotify

© Copyright -- Intended for research and teaching purposes only, under Fair Use, Section 107 Copyright Act
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