Enjoy the following gifts to support & inspire your personal exploration:
Shake off the chains of the Gregorian Calendar and reset your life to the rhythms of Mother Earth and cosmic perspective.
This zodiacal calendar [pdf] allows space for you to jot down your more poignant moments of the day to compare with the solar sign and degree.
For those who follow the chakra system, a deeper understanding can be found through the septenary model by visiting Saijin's septenary blog www.saijin.wordpress.com.
Instructions and template [pdf] to make your own decoder to follow along with the daily Sabian symbols in their inner structure.
Email your artistic explorations and creative tools to be added to the website for others to use.
Daily Sabian Symbol Insights
Saijin's On the Shoulders of Giants Facebook page is a sharing of her reflections on the Sabian symbols. If interested in a deeper study, join the OTSG Facebook group.
Prepared originally for Saijin's presentation to the Sabian Assembly, this Master Handout [pdf] has become a reliable resource for the investigation of the Inner Structure work.